Friday, November 25, 2016

Huge Art Sale November 26~ Shop small saturday

Huge Art Sale Saturday, November 26! 9am-4pm in store and 8am-8pm online at this link: Online Shopping-Brenda Calvert Art Insiders Group

 Flat Print
 Flat Print
 Flat Print
  Flat print

 Shelf Sitter

Shelf sitters can be hung on the wall as well as displayed on a table or shelf!

And lots more! Come check it out!  Join the Facebook insiders group today!
Link at the top of this page.

Thanks everyone for shopping small!  Much love to you,

Brenda Calvert Art

Necklace Art

Wow, What an honor for Sheila from "Dandelions in December" to ask me to be a part of her Artist Series for her jewelry line?  
There are 4 images to choose from for only $23!  What a deal!  

Sheila is selling these at : Dandelions in December

Happy Shopping!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Giveaway Winner

Giveaway winner of the Winter Sparrow is........
Carrie Holtrop!
Congrats Carrie!!!

You may pick up your 4x6 shelf sitter on Nov 26th, 9am-4pm in studio. 

Everyone: Be sure to join in my insiders group at :

The online sale will be held on the Facebook insiders group.  

November 26, 8am-8pm.  
Customers can pay with credit card, privately on pay pal or Etsy to receive the items they want.

Friday, November 11, 2016


This little cutie is a giveaway prize on my Facebook page!

Find this picture of the winter Sparrow and follow the instructions there.

Inspiration:  His eye is on the sparrow and I know  he watches me.

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:25-26 (NIV)

Much love to you,


Thursday, September 29, 2016


Are you a Pinner?!  

Pinterest is so fun!  I love following other people, so Pin a few of my pieces of art and I will follow you back!  

Thank you of your love and support!  Every bit of help is appreciated.

Pinterest - Brenda Calvert Art

Love to you,


Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sneak Preview of the October 1st Sale/ dandelions

Starting this week, I'll be posting pictures of available art for sale!  There will be artwork available for purchase on October 1st.  Why shop on October 1st?  Because there is a sale on select items, 10-50 percent off!  On this saturday only.   Be sure to join my Facebook group page, instagram page to participate or to even shop around.  All are welcome here!

Brenda Calvert Art, Orginals
2 - 12x12 canvas painting, 1/2 inch thick
You may purchase both or one.
These gorgeous dandelions have seeds blowing away in the wind.  
They will be an inspiring piece in any home.  
These are boho and farmhouse styled pieces.

This art piece is inspired after Ecclesiasties 3:1  
 I'm often reminded to be content with where I am at in life.  
There is a time for every purpose under heaven.
This dandelion painting will inspire and uplift!

Be sure to check back with this blog all week to see what else will be up for sale on October 1st!
Are you on my Facebook group yet?  That is where the sale will be at. 
Be sure to sign up NOW!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Original Painting 16x20

This original is now up for Sale!  It is based after the verse Ecc 3:1, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." 
For me, dandelions resemble change.  The change of the seasons.  We may not like the season of life we are in right now.  But, these simple dandelions remind me that I need to be content with where I am at in the moment.  To not be always pressing for the future.  To realize that there is a purpose in the now of our lives.  To look around and enjoy the little things that are around us.  To be joyful, because chances are, when the future comes, we will be a bit sad that yesterday is gone.

Turquoise, White and Black acrylic paint was the main

Close up shot of the dandelion detail.

This painting is listed for $175.00 on my etsy site or can be purchased directly from me.

Friday, August 19, 2016

The steps of a painting

Here is a painting in the works!  First I placed the paint right on to the canvas and blended it in with my brush.
 The ground was established, a horizon line and the sky was formed with wind flowing!
 The Verse was placed in the sky and a dandelion made with seeds flying up and onward.
 Finished product! 16x20 Canvas with Acrylic Paint!
This was a custom order for a sweet girl.  Her husband is in the military and so their family moves every 2 years.  She has always wanted a picture on her wall with this verse and a dandelion. It is to remind her kids that God will never leave them no matter where they live.  In fact, He goes before us and prepares the way.  Her kids have a reminder that they do not need to be afraid.  I wonder where those dandelion seeds are headed?

Prints of this original will be available on Oct 1st.

Have a great week everyone,

B. Calvert